Engines and Gensets
Miretti Americas offers explosion proof conversions of area classified US Class I, Div. 1 & 2 as well Zone 1, 2G and Zone 2, 3G provide the electrical and mechanical protection of the diesel engine.
ATEX Diesel Engines Explosion Proof Conversion
The explosion proof conversions of area classified Zone 1, 2G and Zone 2, 3G provide the electrical and mechanical protection of the diesel engine, removing the risk of explosive ignition.
The features include:
The conversion, according to standard UNI EN 1834-1:2001, provides an alarm system and automatic shutdown of the engine in case of:
EX Conversion by Miretti Americas to Class I Div. 2 Explosion Proof Standards includes:
Classified to Global Safety Standards for use in:
North American Class I, Divisions 1 & 2,
Groups C & D Environments and
European ATEX 94/9/EX Directive for Zones 1 & 2.