Explosion Proof Protections of engines, mobile vehicles, industrial equipment for Oil&Gas, Industrial, Mobile Vehicles, Mines&Tunnels industries. For over 5 decades the Miretti Group have been approved suppliers to the leading Global OEMs.
Global Leader in
Explosion Proof Solutions
Miretti Americas is a global leader in Explosion Proof Solutions featuring explosion proof forklift conversions in the material handling, aerospace, and offshore diesel engine market for use in hazardous environments.
Miretti Americas encompasses global certification for Explosion proof forklift conversions as well as material handling & offshore prime and back up power packs for diesel engines.
We conform to the North American UL583 standard, NEC 500, ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU.
Miretti partners with OEM manufacturers to convert their equipment to explosion proof to provide the end user with the highest quality of craftmanship and aftermarket support.
Combining Miretti’s global expertise in the Explosion Proof Market, we provide worldwide partnerships to provide solutions for: Explosion proof conversions of Electric and Diesel forklifts, scissor and boom lifts, tuggers, diesel engines for the offshore market.